DeAngelo Wiser
Interesting how you can sense early on, even before an
obvious incident, a player or players who doubt the direction you need them to
go. It could be at a meeting, practice or in a game. Have you ever thought, “Wow!
What are they doing? Didn’t I just ask them to ………..?” It can be frustrating.
Remember that winning your players is a daily task.
What you did yesterday was great, but today is a new day to be tested. The
respect earned can disappear in a moment with your actions or words when a
player decides to do something other than what you’ve asked in a game or

you may want to consider:
• Is this an
isolated incident or an ongoing issue?
• Does the
player see or fully understand what they’re doing?
• Is what
you’re asking critical to the team’s success?
• What if you
let this go unchecked?
• Is it about
your ego and showing you’re in charge?
• Is their way
a better alternative? Are they right?
• Should you
talk with the player? When?
• What impact
will it have on the other players?
• What is the
While you may initially see it as only a conflict
between you and a player, it can have a far-reaching impact. Teammates see
what’s going on, and, if left unattended, it can grow into a monster you hadn’t
planned on. Players may take sides on the issue with a few leaning away from
your leadership.
Team’s who’ve developed vocal leaders and a strong team culture with definite boundaries of responsibility and respect will usually take care of this issue within the team. That’s why it’s essential to begin today to build that culture. However, teams that only rely on the coach’s leadership will shift all the pressure to you to make a decision. While that’s okay, just know it’s an issue that requires your full attention.
Players may say when asked that they abhor this
behavior from one of their teammates but are unwilling to confront or talk with
the player, that it’s not their job.
Meeting with the player is imperative.
• Meet with
the player with an assistant coach present.
• Explain the
situation as you see it, then be quiet and allow them to respond.
• Lay out the
rationale behind what you’re asking them to do.
• Paint a
picture of how their actions impact the team.
• Remind them
of the expectations for every member of the team.
• Ask what
they’re trying to accomplish.
• Let them
know how much you believe in them.
• Explain the
accountability for every player and their actions.
• Let them know you can’t play them if they
can’t follow what’s best for the team.
• Ask if they
have anything else that needs to be said.
• Give them time to think about what has been discussed and plan
another meeting within the
next week.
Your strongest leadership is required in these
situations. Players left free to roam on and off the field doing anything they
wish will destroy your team.
In some cases these players can be your highest
skilled athletes. In their mind they are the only one who can beat a defender,
score a goal, pass the ball or cross the ball perfectly. Their ability drives
them to do too much, not trust their teammates and eventually they become
frustrated. What they don’t see is how impossible it is to beat a team single
There are some subtle things you can do to help. Blend
abilities in practice. Match up some less-skilled with higher-skilled in a few
situational activities. Expecting them to play flawlessly together in a game
when they never work together in practice may be too much to ask. Build some
trust among all your players. You’ll find that some more-skilled players are
willing to help the less-skilled players, and why shouldn’t they? It helps
everyone. Maybe when a player sees that their teammates are trying as hard as
they are it will give them a new understanding, tolerance level and outlook.
Take the time to talk to your team about situations
such as when a player makes a bad pass. It’s usually the player on the
receiving end that becomes infuriated, and are now mentally out of the game.
How can that be avoided and what can the player do? Screaming and becoming
upset helps no one. The play is over. Ask your players how it could best be
dealt with. If not mentioned, recommend statements such as, “I’ve seen you make
that pass. I know you can do it. We’ll get it next time.” Highlight that all
teammates are trying their best and some encouragement can go a long way.
If it’s clearly an outside influence issue, you may be
inclined to address it in a way that diminishes the credibility of another
coach, mentor or relative, but that serves no purpose. Making light, in a less
than flattering way, of someone who played a key role in your player’s life
isn’t needed, and will never change their view of that person. Just work on
what you can control and be the coach your player believes in more than anyone
else. It will take time, and may never be perfect, but it will be worth the
effort. If outside influences become overwhelming, set up a meeting with that
person and explain how it’s impacting the team. Make sure your Athletic
Director is aware of the situation and is present at the meeting.
This isn’t about inhibiting a creative player’s
ability and decision making, it’s about building a team with a strong team
culture that takes care of its own issues and understands it takes every player
doing their job to be successful on and off the field. Our job is to paint that
picture every day to everyone we meet.
I wish you and your team the best.
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